Yuri Bastos Gabrich

Technical Writer


With a single interest in the wise use of technology to improve people's quality of life, he believes that a multidisciplinary environment is vital to create and learn new things. He argues that documentation and design are essential to make any solution a success. This methodical and creative process is one of his passions and the excuse he uses to improve communication between various areas of knowledge.

Work Experience

Engineering Title Reviewer

Study.com (Remote) | Feb 2020 - Sept 2021

Consultant on edit and preparation of titles and questions. Usually, performs the tasks of correcting grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors in the original files; recreating formulas with LaTeX; organizing and re-phrasing the questions when they are poorly written; responding to feedback and requests from reviewers and updating work accordingly.

Partner Strategist

IEEE YP Rio de Janeiro Section | Sept 2017 - Dec 2019

Volunteer position to build strong relationships with organizations serving the needs of the IEEE YP Rio, and support the success of valuable events for society. By establishing and growing business and technical relationships, had the opportunity to engage with local leaders to deliver discussions about electrical vehicles, IoT and humanitarian technologies.


IEEE YP Rio de Janeiro Section | Jan 2015 - Aug 2017

Volunteer position to manage local activities on behalf of IEEE to retain graduated and professional members, and to increase the engagement of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative volunteers. By focusing on the presence of IEEE YP Rio on social media and other communication channels has expanded the multidisciplinary network of members that prevails until nowadays.

  • Creation of a Volunteer Manual to guide future leaders through management opportunities and pitfalls.
  • Creation of a how-to-guide for the Volunteers Mapping integration with Facebook and the updating on Google Fusion Table.

Electrical Engineering Intern

Cégep de Trois-Rivières (QC, Canada) | Aug 2012 - Mar 2013

An intern job to develop a virtual overcurrent relay for didactic use with LabVIEW. As part of a student exchange program, he has collaborated with professors from both countries to design and replicate all programming menus, operating logic and device specifications based on the ABB relay SPAJ 131 C.

  • Development of the Relais de surintensité avec LabVIEW.


Microgrid Transactive Energy Smart Contract

Open Source

The beginning of a blockchain application to pave the way for Transactive Energy at Brazilian micro/mini-grids. The outcome of the master's thesis. Check out the project page.

EnergyPlus Shadow

Open Source

Software to identify building shades surrounding a target roof during a year cycle. It borrows the codes from EnergyPlus and uses pandas to analyze a huge amount of data. The outcome of a solar power potential study for the Rio de Janeiro city. Although the development has been paused for a while, contributions are welcome at the project repo.

Relais de surintensité avec LabVIEW


A didactic software with several features, such as multilanguage platform (Portuguese, French and English), usability for specific technical configurations, and the option to generate a report in PDF of the short circuit test. A step back on software documentation learning curve but a great start on software development. A memory of this milestone is available in the CÉGEP-TR newsletter (p.19).



  • 2020 · Sharing Electricity in Brazil: a crypto-currency for micro/mini-grid transactive energy · DOI
  • 2020 · Mobility, Citizens, Innovation and Technology in Digital and Smart Cities · DOI
  • 2019 · When CI and Decentralized Systems Effectively Meet Smart Cities and Grids · DOI
  • 2017 · Tendências para Sistemas Microgrids em Cidades Inteligentes: Uma Visão Sobre a Blockchain · PDF
  • 2010 · Energia e Meio Ambiente: uma Alternativa Sustentável - Energia Solar Fotovoltaica · PDF